![]() 05/23/2014 at 12:55 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 05/23/2014 at 13:09 |
I was so hoping that prick was going to spin out but its best not to let these inadequate people irk you you as it only gives them a reason for being.
Though saying that I'd be so tempted to slow right down and then floor it till I got near but not too close, slowed down and then pulled over only to stay in lane and accelerate sharply again. You wanna dance, I've my dancing shoes on already, lets dance.
Mind games are a bitch for mindless people.
![]() 05/23/2014 at 13:10 |
Should of punted the fucker off the road. Slower car should have just moved over instead of being a douche
![]() 05/23/2014 at 13:27 |
I like my strategy better. Usually cruising in the left lane at about 80 mph (130 km/h). If someone comes flying up behind me, I instantly move left. If the person coming up behind me looks like a douche (Mustang GT owners with flat bill caps, I'm looking at you), I let them get alongside, then drop it into 5th and turbo past them. Nobody expects the Mazda sedan.
![]() 05/23/2014 at 13:28 |
Hey, if you can't outrun a Lada Kalina, don't try to flex muscles on the road... :-)
My bet is that the camera car's driver flashed the lights at the Lada. If he did, this is a classic case of two frustrated pricks meeting on the road.
![]() 05/23/2014 at 14:02 |
I thought the Pit Maneuver is legal in Russia. Plenty of places it could have been applied here without killing him.
![]() 05/23/2014 at 14:24 |
why the fuck do you do this though. you are forcing people to pass you on the right (very unsafe) and anyone who attempts it you streetrace?
you are the most unsafe fucking driver i have ever heard of. people like you are why i wish passing lane enforcement was stricter.
![]() 05/23/2014 at 14:37 |
Not really, Flashing lights is SOP in the rest of the world to say "coming up your rear, Move please!"
In America flashing your lights means "MWABWDPHW@#^$)@$_^@#(_$"
![]() 05/23/2014 at 15:29 |
No, guess I didn't describe it right. Road quality is shit in the right lane, and they're constantly full of trucks here — so I'm always passing trucks, doing about 80. If someone wants to pass me, I move right and let them pass on my left as soon as I can (mind you, if I'm passing a row of trucks, I'll keep going until there's a safe enough gap to pull right into). I do all this with my cruise kept at 80 or so. Occasionally, I have a Mustang GT come up behind me (it's seriously always a Mustang GT out here), who decides I'm not getting around the trucks quick enough (I'm already doing 10 over). They sit a few inches off my bumper, and flash their brights. In these cases, if there's no more trucks ahead, I pull right but then speed up. Or I just speed up in the left lane. I've got a Mazdaspeed6, which will actually pull on a Mustang GT at freeway speeds. They don't expect a Mazda sedan to run away that quickly.
![]() 05/23/2014 at 15:51 |
oh ok. this sounds very reasonable
![]() 05/23/2014 at 18:30 |
Oh shit! Re read my original post. I move RIGHT.
I blame my Kentucky edumacation. Left vs right is complicated... But yeah, I keep right if the road is in good condition and traffic is light, but with my cruise at 80 I'm usually constantly passing semi trucks, so I wind up staying in the left lane... but always move over to let traffic past me on the right. Except douches (you know the type. Weaving through traffic, cutting people off, generally being an ass). Those guys get trolled on.
I also never merge between two semis (like to have at a minimum about 100 feet between me and the nearest semi, preferably more). If something happens and I have to slam my brakes, I don't want 75,000 lbs 20 feet off my bumper. And the occasional drive in Cali has taught me to ALWAYS look for motorcyclists cutting through traffic (which is a whole other debate, and I'm actually in favor of — when done correctly).
![]() 05/24/2014 at 00:52 |
I have a serious hard time believing youre pulling away from a GT. Unless its pre 2011.
![]() 05/24/2014 at 00:56 |
Wow that was amazing. I probably would have just followed the guy indefinitely. Nothing worse a high speed accident.
![]() 05/24/2014 at 07:56 |
Oh yeah, not the newest ones... I'm talking like 06-2010. That generation. Bros out here can't afford the newest ones. haha Everything before that generation as well, except for some of the built Fox Body's I've seen.
![]() 05/24/2014 at 11:39 |
hahah yes now you see why i called you out so hard
![]() 05/24/2014 at 19:14 |
God, one word mis-typed and my comment goes from genuine to "holy shit you're the worst kind of person" hahaha